Package-level declarations


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val ObservableStringValue.emptyBinding: BooleanBinding

val <E> ObservableList<E>.emptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableList is empty.

val <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.emptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableMap is empty.

val <E> ObservableSet<E>.emptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableSet is empty.

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val ObservableStringValue.notEmptyBinding: BooleanBinding

val <E> ObservableList<E>.notEmptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableList is not empty.

val <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.notEmptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableMap is not empty.

val <E> ObservableSet<E>.notEmptyBinding: BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if a given ObservableSet is not empty.

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val ObservableObjectValue<*>.notNullBinding: BooleanBinding
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val ObservableObjectValue<*>.nullBinding: BooleanBinding
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val ObservableStringValue.sizeBinding: IntegerBinding

val <E> ObservableList<E>.sizeBinding: IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the size ObservableList.

val <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.sizeBinding: IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the size ObservableMap.

val <E> ObservableSet<E>.sizeBinding: IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the size ObservableSet.


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infix inline fun ObservableBooleanValue.and(other: ObservableBooleanValue): BooleanBinding

Creates a BooleanBinding that calculates the conditional-AND operation on the value of two instance of ObservableBooleanValue.

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inline fun <E> List<E>.bindContent(other: ObservableList<E>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between an ObservableList and a List.

inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.bindContent(other: ObservableMap<K, V>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between an ObservableMap and a Map.

inline fun <E> Set<E>.bindContent(other: ObservableSet<E>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between an ObservableSet and a Set.

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inline fun <E> ObservableList<E>.bindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableList<E>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableList.

inline fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.bindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableMap<K, V>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableMap.

inline fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.bindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableSet<E>)

Generates a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableSet.

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fun <T> ObservableBooleanValue.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun <T> ObservableDoubleValue.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun <T> ObservableFloatValue.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun <T> ObservableIntegerValue.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun <T> ObservableLongValue.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V, T> ObservableObjectValue<V>.bindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E, T> ObservableList<E>.bindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V, T> ObservableMap<K, V>.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E, T> ObservableSet<E>.bindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun <T> bindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create an ObjectBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun <T> bindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> T?): ObjectBinding<T>

Create a ObjectBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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fun ObservableBooleanValue.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create an BooleanBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create an BooleanBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.booleanBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create an BooleanBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun booleanBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun booleanBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> Boolean): BooleanBinding

Create a BooleanBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.div(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.div(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.div(other: Float): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.div(other: Int): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.div(other: Long): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.div(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.div(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.div(other: Int): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.div(other: Long): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.div(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.div(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.div(other: Int): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.div(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.div(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.div(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.div(other: Int): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.div(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableNumberValue.div(other: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline operator fun Double.div(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.div(other: ObservableFloatValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.div(other: ObservableIntegerValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.div(other: ObservableLongValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.div(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.div(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.div(other: ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.div(other: ObservableLongValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.div(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Int.div(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.div(other: ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun Int.div(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.div(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Long.div(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Long.div(other: ObservableIntegerValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.div(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
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fun ObservableBooleanValue.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create an DoubleBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create an DoubleBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.doubleBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create an DoubleBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun doubleBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun doubleBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> Double): DoubleBinding

Create a DoubleBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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infix inline fun ObservableBooleanValue.eq(other: ObservableBooleanValue): BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if the values of two instances of ObservableBooleanValue are equal.

infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableObjectValue<*>.eq(other: ObservableObjectValue<*>): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableObjectValue<*>.eq(other: Any): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.eq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.eq(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Any.eq(other: ObservableObjectValue<*>): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.eq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Double, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Float, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Int, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Long, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Double.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Float.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Int.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Long.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding

infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.eq(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.eq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding

This function is weirdly not inherited by NumberExpressionBase.

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infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.eqIg(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.eqIg(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.eqIg(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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fun ObservableBooleanValue.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create an FloatBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create an FloatBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.floatBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> Float): FloatBinding

Create an FloatBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun floatBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun floatBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> Float): FloatBinding

Create a FloatBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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inline fun ObservableFloatArray.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline fun ObservableFloatArray.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): FloatBinding
inline fun ObservableFloatArray.getBinding(index: Int): FloatBinding

Creates a new FloatBinding that contains the element of an ObservableFloatArray at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableIntegerArray.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline fun ObservableIntegerArray.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): IntegerBinding
inline fun ObservableIntegerArray.getBinding(index: Int): IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the element of an ObservableIntegerArray at the specified position.

inline fun <E> ObservableList<E>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): ObjectBinding<E>
inline fun <E> ObservableList<E>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): ObjectBinding<E>
inline fun <E> ObservableList<E>.getBinding(index: Int): ObjectBinding<E>

Creates a new ObjectBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<Boolean>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Boolean>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Boolean>.getBinding(index: Int): BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<Double>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): DoubleBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Double>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): DoubleBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Double>.getBinding(index: Int): DoubleBinding

Creates a new DoubleBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<Float>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Float>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): FloatBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Float>.getBinding(index: Int): FloatBinding

Creates a new FloatBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<Int>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Int>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): IntegerBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Int>.getBinding(index: Int): IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<Long>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): LongBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Long>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): LongBinding
inline fun ObservableList<Long>.getBinding(index: Int): LongBinding

Creates a new LongBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun ObservableList<String>.getBinding(index: ObservableIntegerValue): StringBinding
inline fun ObservableList<String>.getBinding(index: ObservableNumberValue): StringBinding
inline fun ObservableList<String>.getBinding(index: Int): StringBinding

Creates a new StringBinding that contains the element of an ObservableList at the specified position.

inline fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.getBinding(key: K): ObjectBinding<V>
inline fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): ObjectBinding<V>

Creates a new ObjectBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Boolean>.getBinding(key: K): BooleanBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Boolean>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Double>.getBinding(key: K): DoubleBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Double>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): DoubleBinding

Creates a new DoubleBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Float>.getBinding(key: K): FloatBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Float>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): FloatBinding

Creates a new FloatBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Int>.getBinding(key: K): IntegerBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Int>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): IntegerBinding

Creates a new IntegerBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Long>.getBinding(key: K): LongBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, Long>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): LongBinding

Creates a new LongBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, String>.getBinding(key: K): StringBinding
inline fun <K> ObservableMap<K, String>.getBinding(key: ObservableValue<K>): StringBinding

Creates a new StringBinding that contains the mapping of a specific key in an ObservableMap.

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inline fun given(condition: ObservableBooleanValue): When

Creates a binding that calculates the result of a ternary expression.

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infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greater(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greater(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greater(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greater(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greater(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.greater(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.greater(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.greater(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.greater(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.greater(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.greater(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.greater(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greaterEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greaterEq(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greaterEq(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greaterEq(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.greaterEq(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.greaterEq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.greaterEq(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.greaterEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.greaterEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.greaterEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.greaterEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.greaterEq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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fun ObservableBooleanValue.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.intBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun intBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create an IntegerBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun intBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> Int): IntegerBinding

Create a IntegerBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.less(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.less(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.less(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.less(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.less(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.less(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.less(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.less(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.less(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.less(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.less(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.less(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.lessEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.lessEq(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.lessEq(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.lessEq(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.lessEq(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.lessEq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.lessEq(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.lessEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.lessEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.lessEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.lessEq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.lessEq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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fun ObservableBooleanValue.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> Long): LongBinding

Create an LongBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> Long): LongBinding

Create an LongBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.longBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> Long): LongBinding

Create an LongBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun longBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun longBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> Long): LongBinding

Create a LongBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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inline fun maxOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Double): DoubleBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Float): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Int): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Long): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: Double, b: ObservableNumberValue): DoubleBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: Float, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: Int, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun maxOf(a: Long, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
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inline fun minOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Double): DoubleBinding
inline fun minOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Float): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Int): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: ObservableNumberValue, b: Long): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: Double, b: ObservableNumberValue): DoubleBinding
inline fun minOf(a: Float, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: Int, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline fun minOf(a: Long, b: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
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inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.minus(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.minus(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.minus(other: Float): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.minus(other: Int): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.minus(other: Long): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.minus(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.minus(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.minus(other: Int): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.minus(other: Long): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.minus(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.minus(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.minus(other: Int): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.minus(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.minus(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.minus(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.minus(other: Int): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.minus(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableNumberValue.minus(other: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline operator fun Double.minus(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.minus(other: ObservableFloatValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.minus(other: ObservableIntegerValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.minus(other: ObservableLongValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.minus(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.minus(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.minus(other: ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.minus(other: ObservableLongValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.minus(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Int.minus(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.minus(other: ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun Int.minus(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.minus(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Long.minus(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Long.minus(other: ObservableIntegerValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.minus(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
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infix inline fun ObservableBooleanValue.neq(other: ObservableBooleanValue): BooleanBinding

Creates a new BooleanBinding that holds true if the values of two instances of ObservableBooleanValue are not equal.

infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Int): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Long): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableObjectValue<*>.neq(other: ObservableObjectValue<*>): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableObjectValue<*>.neq(other: Any): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.neq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.neq(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Any.neq(other: ObservableObjectValue<*>): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Int.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Long.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.neq(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Double, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Float, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Int, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Long, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Double.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Float.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Int.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding
inline fun Long.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue, epsilon: Double): BooleanBinding

infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Double): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableNumberValue.neq(other: Float): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Double.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun Float.neq(other: ObservableNumberValue): BooleanBinding

This function is weirdly not inherited by NumberExpressionBase.

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infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.neqIg(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun ObservableStringValue.neqIg(other: String): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun String.neqIg(other: ObservableStringValue): BooleanBinding
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infix inline fun ObservableBooleanValue.or(other: ObservableBooleanValue): BooleanBinding

Creates a BooleanBinding that calculates the conditional-OR operation on the value of two instance of ObservableBooleanValue.

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infix inline fun When.BooleanConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: ObservableBooleanValue): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun When.BooleanConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: Boolean): BooleanBinding
infix inline fun When.NumberConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
infix inline fun When.NumberConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: Double): DoubleBinding
infix inline fun When.NumberConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: Float): NumberBinding
infix inline fun When.NumberConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: Int): NumberBinding
infix inline fun When.NumberConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: Long): NumberBinding
infix inline fun <T> When.ObjectConditionBuilder<T>.otherwise(value: T?): ObjectBinding<T>
infix inline fun <T> When.ObjectConditionBuilder<T>.otherwise(value: ObservableObjectValue<T>): ObjectBinding<T>
infix inline fun When.StringConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: ObservableStringValue): StringBinding
infix inline fun When.StringConditionBuilder.otherwise(value: String): StringBinding
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inline operator fun ObservableNumberValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Int): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Long): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Long): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
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inline fun <T> ObservableValue<*>.select(vararg steps: String): ObjectBinding<T>
inline fun <T> steps: String): ObjectBinding<T>

Creates an object binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectBoolean(vararg steps: String): BooleanBinding
inline fun Any.selectBoolean(vararg steps: String): BooleanBinding

Creates a boolean binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectDouble(vararg steps: String): DoubleBinding
inline fun Any.selectDouble(vararg steps: String): DoubleBinding

Creates a double binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectFloat(vararg steps: String): FloatBinding
inline fun Any.selectFloat(vararg steps: String): FloatBinding

Creates a float binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectInt(vararg steps: String): IntegerBinding
inline fun Any.selectInt(vararg steps: String): IntegerBinding

Creates an integer binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectLong(vararg steps: String): LongBinding
inline fun Any.selectLong(vararg steps: String): LongBinding

Creates a long binding used to get a member.

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inline fun ObservableValue<*>.selectString(vararg steps: String): StringBinding
inline fun Any.selectString(vararg steps: String): StringBinding

Creates a string binding used to get a member.

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fun ObservableBooleanValue.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Boolean) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableBooleanValue dependency.

fun ObservableDoubleValue.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Double) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableDoubleValue dependency.

fun ObservableFloatValue.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Float) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableFloatValue dependency.

fun ObservableIntegerValue.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Int) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableIntegerValue dependency.

fun ObservableLongValue.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Long) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableLongValue dependency.

fun <V> ObservableObjectValue<V>.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (V?) -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with single ObservableObjectValue dependency.

fun <E> ObservableList<E>.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (List<E>) -> String?): StringBinding

Create an StringBinding with single ObservableList dependency.

fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Map<K, V>) -> String?): StringBinding

Create an StringBinding with single ObservableMap dependency.

fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.stringBindingBy(valueProvider: (Set<E>) -> String?): StringBinding

Create an StringBinding with single ObservableSet dependency.

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inline fun stringBindingOf(vararg dependencies: Observable, noinline valueProvider: () -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with multiple Observable dependencies.

fun stringBindingOf(dependencies: Collection<Observable>, valueProvider: () -> String?): StringBinding

Create a StringBinding with multiple Observable dependencies using collection.

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infix inline fun <T> When.then(value: T?): When.ObjectConditionBuilder<T>
infix inline fun When.then(value: ObservableBooleanValue): When.BooleanConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: ObservableNumberValue): When.NumberConditionBuilder
infix inline fun <T> When.then(value: ObservableObjectValue<T>): When.ObjectConditionBuilder<T>
infix inline fun When.then(value: ObservableStringValue): When.StringConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: Boolean): When.BooleanConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: Double): When.NumberConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: Float): When.NumberConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: Int): When.NumberConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: Long): When.NumberConditionBuilder
infix inline fun When.then(value: String): When.StringConditionBuilder
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inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.times(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.times(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.times(other: Float): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.times(other: Int): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.times(other: Long): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.times(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.times(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.times(other: Int): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.times(other: Long): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.times(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.times(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.times(other: Int): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.times(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.times(other: Double): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.times(other: Float): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.times(other: Int): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.times(other: Long): LongBinding
inline operator fun ObservableNumberValue.times(other: ObservableNumberValue): NumberBinding
inline operator fun Double.times(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.times(other: ObservableFloatValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.times(other: ObservableIntegerValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Double.times(other: ObservableLongValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.times(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Float.times(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.times(other: ObservableIntegerValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Float.times(other: ObservableLongValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.times(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Int.times(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Int.times(other: ObservableIntegerValue): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun Int.times(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.times(other: ObservableDoubleValue): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun Long.times(other: ObservableFloatValue): FloatBinding
inline operator fun Long.times(other: ObservableIntegerValue): LongBinding
inline operator fun Long.times(other: ObservableLongValue): LongBinding
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inline operator fun ObservableDoubleValue.unaryMinus(): DoubleBinding
inline operator fun ObservableFloatValue.unaryMinus(): FloatBinding
inline operator fun ObservableIntegerValue.unaryMinus(): IntegerBinding
inline operator fun ObservableLongValue.unaryMinus(): LongBinding
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inline fun <E> List<E>.unbindContent(other: ObservableList<E>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between an ObservableList and a List.

inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.unbindContent(other: ObservableMap<K, V>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between an ObservableMap and a Map.

inline fun <E> Set<E>.unbindContent(other: ObservableSet<E>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between an ObservableSet and a Set.

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inline fun <E> ObservableList<E>.unbindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableList<E>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableList.

inline fun <K, V> ObservableMap<K, V>.unbindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableMap<K, V>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableMap.

inline fun <E> ObservableSet<E>.unbindContentBidirectional(other: ObservableSet<E>)

Remove a bidirectional binding between two instances of ObservableSet.