Package-level declarations


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val Double.h: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Double number of hours.

val Int.h: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Int number of hours.

val Long.h: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Long number of hours.

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val Double.m: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Double number of minutes.

val Int.m: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Int number of minutes.

val Long.m: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Long number of minutes.

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val Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Double number of milliseconds.

val Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Int number of milliseconds.

val Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Long number of milliseconds.

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val Double.s: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Double number of seconds.

val Int.s: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Int number of seconds.

val Long.s: Duration

Returns a duration equal to this Long number of seconds.


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inline operator fun Duration.div(scale: Double): Duration
operator fun Duration.div(scale: Int): Duration

Returns a duration whose value is this duration value divided by the given scale number.

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inline operator fun Duration.minus(other: Duration): Duration

Returns a duration whose value is the difference between this and other duration values.

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inline operator fun Duration): Duration

Returns a duration whose value is the sum of this and other duration values.

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inline operator fun Duration.times(scale: Double): Duration
operator fun Duration.times(scale: Int): Duration

Returns a duration whose value is this duration value multiplied by the given scale number.

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inline fun String.toDuration(): Duration

Converts this String to a duration with the syntax [number][ms|s|m|h].

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inline fun Duration.toFxDuration(): Duration

Returns this kotlin.time.Duration as a JavaFX Duration.

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inline fun Duration.toKotlinDuration(): Duration

Returns this Duration as a kotlin.time.Duration.

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inline operator fun Duration.unaryMinus(): Duration

Returns the negative of this value.