Package-level declarations
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class JfxTreeTableColumnScope<S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>>(val columns: MutableCollection<TreeTableColumn<S, *>>)
Container of JFXTreeTableColumn, providing sets of useful operation.
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inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> JFXTreeTableColumn<S, *>.columns(configuration: JfxTreeTableColumnScope<S>.() -> Unit)
Configure JFXTreeTableColumn columns, essentially enabling multi-line column.
inline fun <S : RecursiveTreeObject<S>> JFXTreeTableView<S>.columns(configuration: JfxTreeTableColumnScope<S>.() -> Unit)
Configure JFXTreeTableView columns.
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inline fun <T> ObservableValue<T>.delayedPropertyInvalidationListener(delayTime: Duration, noinline consumer: (T) -> Unit): InvalidationListener
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Create a JFoenix snackbar.
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Show this snackbar indefinitely with custom layout.
fun JFXSnackbar.showIndefinite(message: String, actionText: String? = null, action: (ActionEvent) -> Unit? = null)
Show this snackbar indefinitely with default layout. May throw NullPointerException
due to JFXSnackbar bug.
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